Train carriages, car parks, behind the altar at midnight mass. Where have you done the dirty?
Thanks to SpankyHanky, Chart Cat and others for the suggestion
( , Thu 23 Apr 2009, 12:58)
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We'd started the night at a gathering of like minded fools in the Princess Louise pub, where certain ideas has been whsipered into a rapidly blushing ear. Wandered along to the "Troy Club", a dodgy after hours drinking hole above a dodgey Tapas Bar near Tottenham Court Road where kisses had been traded and the various raddled alcoholics treated to a display of unbridled, yet fully clothed lust that had some of them gazing into their double brandies with confused expressions.
The evening was going swimmingly, she was hot for anything I was willing to suggest, and I was barely able to walk straight due to the unmerciful compression of my trousers. Then disaster strikes, her Ex has arrived in town and is skulking in their flat like a toad in a stone refusing to leave until she explains for the Nth time why she booted him out.*
My place was out for various reasons** so we headed for Bloomsbury, and the cheap, but clean, hotels.
Could we get a room, could we feck. "All Full" was the cry, "We can do you a single if you can be out by 6:30" was another.
Even the Imperial turned us away.
By this time we were getting more than a little flusterd, we were both almost painfuly horny and the need to fuck was getting more and more urgent.
There was going to be shagging, it was going to happen soon, and if we didn't find somewhere quiet I was going to bend her over a table outside a cafe and spread her legs right there.
As we staggered along I told her just that, and was rewarded with a brief gasp of delight and a wide eyed expression I came to know meant, "Want. Cock. Now."
She dragged me into a passage beside the church, through a gateway and into a dark alley beyond. There tugged her jeans down over her hips and firmly pulled my hand down between her legs. Tongue slips inbetween lips as fingers slide into the hottest, wettest pussy it's ever been my pleasure to pleasure.
Both of us were so rampant that it was over in seconds. We spent longer pressed up against the stone wall trading kisses and recovering than we did actually screwing, but the sense of release was astonishing.
A few days later, back in the same part of town and by a little careful planning we were walking past that spot again. Not quite so late at night, but still.
I looked at her, she looked at me and her eyes widened in just the right way...
Hands clasped and giggling like teenagers we scuttled into the alleyway, ready, oh so ready for round two of Bunnies vs God. Only to find a large and shiny chain on the gate. No way over, no way through and, no seclusion at all.
Slightly miffed we resolved to head back to her flat, now certified psycho free, and turned around. Only now, in the rapidly fading daylight, noticing the girt great security camera bolted to the side of the church, carefully aimed directly at a certain place on the wall.
Alright God, we'll call it a draw...
*Because he was an egotistical psychopath who heard voices telling him to break/destroy/attack anything or anyone she cared for.
**Beds already full of other people
( , Fri 24 Apr 2009, 18:49, 2 replies)

About 15 years ago. I was rubbish.
( , Sat 25 Apr 2009, 0:07, closed)
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