Completely Underwhelmed writes, "I was on a bus the other day when a man got on wearing shorts, over what looked like greeny grey leggings. Then the stench hit me. The 'leggings' were a mass of open wounds, crusted with greenish solidified pus that flaked off in bits as he moved."
What's the worst public transport experience you've ever had?
( , Thu 29 May 2008, 15:13)
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You must have seen the P&O mini cruise from Hull to Amsterdam.
Its brilliant. You get on the ferry in the evening, get lashed up in the bar. Fall asleep, get up and youre in Rotterdam. Get the get coach to Amsterdam, get stoned pished and shagged during the day. Then get the coach back and spend the next night on the ferry, arriving back in Hull for the morning.
Brilliant! So me and the now ex g/f took the trip.
Going out, no problems. Had some drinks in the bar, saw a movie, had some more drinks. Shagged each other senseless, all before the ferry even started moving out of Hull! Waay!
Got to Amsterdam and sampled the local delicacies. I dont really remember much of the coach journey back to Rotterdam, except for I was hearing these other youths sniggering, and I was really paranoid they were sniggering at me. (Dont do drugs kids)
Got on the ferry and we had pre-paid dinner. So after being a bit drunk and stoned, I had the munchies and had the spicy chicken curry. Washed down with a bottle of white.
Then hit the bar, bounced up and down a bit on the dancefloor. Found some geezers who had smuggled some weed back, so was up on the top deck having a share of that :)
Then finally collapsed into bed at a respectable 2am. At 3am im awoken by the g/f hurling her guts up in the toilet. So I called her a lightweight and laughed as she stood there covered in her own puke, sweating like a bitch, and looking rather worse for wear.
I turned over and went back to being unconcious.
Until.. a couple of hours later im awoken again. The ferry is swaying in the middle of the north sea. My stomach was burning up. Hmmmm. not feeling good here... Ooooh shit! Food escape!!!!
Aaaaall over the place it went. Proper projectile vomiting. Urghh not good.I appologise to the cleaners I really do. They being a ferry I'm sure theyre used to mopping carrot chunks off the ceiling.
So there I was for the next 4 hours as daylight started to break fighting the mrs for the toilet. When still drunk, and sick you cling onto the toilet as its something solid.. But this one wasnt. it was going up.. and down... up and down.. urghhhhh more puuke!
I didnt bother with breakfast.
There was then a queue for UK immigration. I had just had a good spew again (even tho there was nothing left to spew) and then had to wait in the queue. By the time I got to show my passport. My stomach was doing summersaults and I looked so green and rough, I got a few questions as to my identity!
And then had a 90 minute drive home urghh . Bleaaauuraakk.. Have you ever driven and hurled at the same time? its quite amusing! Probably more dangerous than talking on a mobile phone.
Now was this P&Os finest Spicy Chicken Curry that caused it. Or Amsterdams finest hash brownies?
I'll let you decide that one!
( , Tue 3 Jun 2008, 16:48, Reply)
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