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Home » Question of the Week » Devastating Put-Downs » Post 1445649 | Search
This is a question Devastating Put-Downs

Amorous Badger says: I once saw a former manager of mine being asked to 'sit down and let your mouth have a chance to speak' by his senior. What's the best heckle/putdown/riposte you've ever seen? (Hint: Recycled 'Your mum' jokes does not make an answer)

(, Thu 24 Nov 2011, 15:15)
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It's a traditional gag, but...
...immediately after a session on the drill square, waiting for the transport to take us to the shooting ranges, someone asked the drill sergeant "can we smoke?".

Spoken in the thickest of thick Scouse accents, through the thickest of thick Scouse moustaches, came the immortal line "You can burst into fuckin flames as far as I'm concerned, lad."
(, Thu 24 Nov 2011, 18:31, Reply)

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