Last week, I thought we'd run over and killed something. After steeling myself to get out and find the body of somebody's beloved pet, I found we'd squished a bin bag. When has something turned out not as grim as you first thought?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 20 Dec 2012, 12:38)
When Mrs Emvee started bleeding again
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 15:38,
10 replies)
You have to be careful about that.
If you remove a lodged transformer from someone sometimes the fact that they're bleeding means that they were acting as a 'plug' for a hole in a major vessel.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 15:41,
I didn't understand any of that
Ah, "lodged", you sneaky ninja.
I'll give you 3/10 - maybe you should have thought of something funny before typing the first shit that passes through what passes for your mind.
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 15:44,
On the other hand, bleeding is probably better than it staying up there and you giving her toxic shock syndrome.
That's some shit. Doubly bad if it's Bumblebee caused that.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 15:50,
So is there a point when women get so fat that they just stop menstruating altogether?
Or does girth increase the flow, so to speak?
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 15:54,
Hey EMV, why don't you cool it with the Jibber Jabba?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 16:05,
I bet you pity the fool
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 16:11,
Not as much as I pity the poor girl who had Bumblebee shoved up her so hard she bleeds.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 17:14,
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 23:04,
Heroin does terrible things to the cunt.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 19:15,
Heroin does terrible things to the
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Fri 28 Dec 2012, 22:44,