Scaryduck writes, "I celebrated my last day on my paper round by giving everybody next door's paper, and the house at the end 16 copies of the Maidenhead Advertiser. And I kept the delivery bag. That certainly showed 'em."
What have you flounced out of? Did it have the impact you intended? What made you quit in the first place?
( , Thu 22 May 2008, 12:15)
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Slightly off topic but I used to work in a relatively small company selling stuff to the masses. I'm not going to lie and say that the job was crap because it wasn't. The people that I worked with were great and i got to borrow stuff whenever i wanted. The money wasn't fantastic but it was regular and i needed the work.
I worked hard and was good at my job to the point where I was acting as manager while the manager himself wasn't there 3 days a week. Roll the clock forwards 18 months and I am told that upper management have decided that one of the staff would be made assistant manager whilst the other would be have to go part time. Now I have a mortgage and kids to fund and wouldn't be able to manage on part time wages.
By happy coincidence just after I was told that they had to consider me for part time work I found out about a much better job that was available at a different company for less hours and more money. I promptly applied and now work there quite happily.
The real kicker is that I have since found out that the person who does the area managers job (who was nice as pie to everyones face)had stabbed me in the back and told everyone at head office that they didn't think that I was capable of doing the assistant managers role. This despite the fact that I was already doing it*.
I have since found out through people who still work there that the shop where I used to work has gone to sh*t within a couple of months of my leaving. The three part timers that they hired to replace me have all left. Stock has gone missing, disciplinary hearings have had to be done and things have generally stopped running smoothly.
I don't wish any ill upon those still working there but it is nice to see the effect that your leaving has on a place especially when your abilities have been called into doubt.
*A person with such awesome management capabilities that even though they were relying on me to cover a shop with them decided to have a go at me, two days before I left the company, about my attitude for no good reason. On hindsight I should have walked out at that point and left them to it.
( , Sun 25 May 2008, 12:04, Reply)
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