Scaryduck writes, "I celebrated my last day on my paper round by giving everybody next door's paper, and the house at the end 16 copies of the Maidenhead Advertiser. And I kept the delivery bag. That certainly showed 'em."
What have you flounced out of? Did it have the impact you intended? What made you quit in the first place?
( , Thu 22 May 2008, 12:15)
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I completely forgot about my last job in England. I worked for a football pools company, in the 'Customer Service' centre. Now, my dad has worked for this company for over 25 years, and I was desparate for a job to build up some funds for my big move to Oz. He said there were jobs going but I REALLY didn't want one. I couldn't understand why he wouldn't want his lad working with him and talked him around to getting me an interview. The day of the intervirew came around and I got suited up. I was too lazy to wash my hair so instead, I shaved it off (#2 I think). I went in and the job was to be on the phones. I had to do a bit of a practical so my interviewer called my phone from the other side of the office and pretended to be a customer. I got the job and was told I start on monday at 5. Monday rolls around and I'm introduced to the absolute dregs of the comapny that work this job. We have a staff 'meeting' at the start of every shift. This just gives the middle aged sunbed queens 45 minutes to talk about big brother and other useless shite. It also gave them time to comment every 5 minutes about how much I looked like my dad. Imagine that, a son who looks like his dad! It gave me time to completely zone out and get paid for sitting down.
My training started and I was handed over to one of these depressing souls to listen in on their calls. Oh yeah, they didn't tell me until I started that it was outgoing calls I was doing. I hated them from that moment onwards. We basically had to call people up who's subscriptions had expired and try to get them back on board. Most poeple were proper old and didn't even know what was happening. My trainer, one time, managed to get £125 from a woman who sounded older than Jesus and had no idea what was going on. When she hung up, the worthless thing beside me said "Almost never got that one!". I smiled and got back to hating the place. It came to my time where I was to man a phone. We were given lists and we had to go through as many as possible in 3 hours. It was hell. One night we all finished our lists, so the supervisor (she had the biggest hair ever, so much hairspray. Think Rick Moranis' helmet in Spaceballs, only made of hair) told us to do lists that were a year and a half old. We had started to completely cold call. The only thing that got me through was sitting next to a guy who was on incoming calls. He told me they get a call every night from a guy who said his newsagent stole his winnings 20 years ago, and what were we going to do about it. Every night, genius. Anyways, I went home and decided that I was to quit this place after only 3 weeks. I left it until 4:30 the next day to call them. It went something like this:
"Hello, whoever speaking"
"Hi, this is Visionary. Just calling to let you know that I won't be coming in today, or ever again"
"Well, I was led to believe that I was gonna be on incoming calls, and I value my soul in the afterlife, and well, the job's just pure evil"
"Well, you can't just quit half an hour before you're due in!"
"I think I just did. I never signed anything and I've only been working there for 3 weeks, so, try and stop me"
"Well, I'll have to talk to someone about this and I'll call you back in 10 minutes"
Ten minutes later I took my phone with me to the toilet and started getting rid of some solids. The Phone rings
"Hello Visionay?"
"There's no problem with you quitting"
"I know"
The last part said on a massive rectal push.
My dad arrived home to see my car still parked in the drive. He asked my why I wasn't in work and I told him. He said he told me I didn't want the job and agreed that the lady's hair was ridiculously massive and he was also fed up of being told how much we looked alike.
Thank you
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 2:09, Reply)
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