Scaryduck writes, "I celebrated my last day on my paper round by giving everybody next door's paper, and the house at the end 16 copies of the Maidenhead Advertiser. And I kept the delivery bag. That certainly showed 'em."
What have you flounced out of? Did it have the impact you intended? What made you quit in the first place?
( , Thu 22 May 2008, 12:15)
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That was more like a money sponge. They provded help to the disabled but the 1st few days I was there I worked in accounts and saw the silly pay packets everyone got. No wonder they liked working for charity.
Anways. My job was to try and organise this incredible mess of 20 odd random files that contained bits of details about all the nurses that worked for them and what training they have all recieved. I also had to "organise" a training broucher (read re- write and update a 100 page 5 year old document about training courses) and create a mailing list for distrabution.
I got bollocked for not getting all the nurses data together even though I had managed to put every piece of information that they had given me together into 1 worksheet as well as making alot of phone calls and emails to find out as much of the rest of the inforamtion as I possibley could and I set up it all up so that that anyone looking at the information could easily and quickly find out who had done what coruse when and who hadn't.
Then I got in alot of trouble cos, after having the broucher approved and me printing it out 150 times on the Office printer and putting it all together, I had "missed vital basic information" that I knew nothing about or had been told aboutand even though despite my BitchBoss approved the entire broucher after takign it home for the weekend to "study" I ended up having to reprint 1/3 of it and replace all the "incorrect" pages in all 150 copies.
Then I had to create a mailing list for the brouchers. I created by getting the address of every single building they were assisiated with, giving the list to my Boss again so she could tell me which places should have a broucher and which one shouldn't (full time nurses yes, part time no) and surprise, surprise I got another bollocking for sending the broucher out to too many address's.
At this point I was sick of working there. Litteraly sick. I was a mass of seething angry and injustice, I couldn;t eat anything for a couple of hours after getting up because my stomache was in so many knots. I was rude and aggressive to all my friends outside work but, when in work I was a calm little doormat.
Then they day came where they pushed me too far. My Boss sent me an email from Holiday telling me that all the work I had done in the last 5 months was useless and I should delete it all and start again.(basicly I had fixed 5 years worth of incompetent lazyness in 5 months of hard graft with no idea or explanation of how the system worked)
I did as she asked. I deleted everything I had worked on. But 1st I forwared her email, and attached copies of everything, to her Boss in a big letter explaining how my complete lack of support, ranging from everyone refusing to tell me anything about how anything was run to my BitchBoss constantly giving loads of crap for doing what she had told me to do and how this last insult was the final straw. (I also passed the email to my temp agency who promised to "look into it". bollocks!)
2 days after quitting I got a call from BitchBoss, her Litteraly yelling down the phone at me hurling abuse and telling me that I had deleted important files and that if I didn't give them back right away she was going to get me arrested. I told her about the email she had sent, that I had deleted everything she had told me to delete and that I had forwarded it all onto her Boss before doing so and maybe she should ask him. She hung up on me and I never heard from them again.
I hope she's cleaning toilets in a hospital ward speciaising in diseases of the digestory tracts.
( , Tue 27 May 2008, 16:50, 4 replies)

The salvation army is the worst offender - do they really need to spend all that money on fucking uniforms? And cancer charities - stop sending me bloody begging envelopes with a pen inside. I have dozens of pens - put the money these cost towards your work!
( , Tue 27 May 2008, 17:31, closed)

I once got asked by a chugger if I would mind making a donation to charity "x". I declined poitely and carried on. I was told "that's fine, you just go off and enjoy yourslef and spend your money, don't think about anyone else."
My reponse was
1. I work 70 hours a week
2. I do medical research
3. Charity is a voluntary contribution and should not be made because someone in a tabard tries to guilt trip you into it.
4. I already voluntarily donate both my time and money to various causes
5. Get a proper fucking job you middle class drama school drop out.
To be fair, I muttered the last one under my breath due to my allergy to confrontation, but you get the picture...
( , Tue 27 May 2008, 17:47, closed)

I share your hope for a just end to your boss' mismanagement, but do you really think her boss, knowing little about her managers, even knows how to open email if the first place?
I've seen good managers fired without cause and the worst managers promoted until no one can remember why they were hired in the first place.
( , Tue 27 May 2008, 19:14, closed)

I was accosted in Leeds a couple of weeks back so I just told the poor unfortunate that I was doing a run for an incureable disease that my mum has and that seemed to work pretty well (And I managed the Manchester 10KM in just over an hour, go me!)
( , Wed 28 May 2008, 8:53, closed)
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