Racist grandparents
It Came From Planet Aylia says: "My husband's mad Auntie Joan accused the man seven doors down of stealing her milk as he was the first black neighbour she had. She doesn't even get her milk delivered." Tell us about casual racism from oldies.
Thanks to Brayn Dedd who suggested this too
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 27 Oct 2011, 11:54)
marry me?
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 27 Oct 2011, 14:28,
1 reply)
I would, but your trolling ways would come between us.
Kitty Fantastico "Dwarf, Anorexic and In a Fight ", Thu 27 Oct 2011, 14:31,
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Thu 27 Oct 2011, 15:33,
I'll marry you
andythepieman Is surfing the waves of indifference on, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:37,
i don't want you to.
janet aylia y'all motherfuckers need jesus, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:45,
Why on earth not?
I might get to see boobies that aren't mine for once and from your profile they may be pierced.
andythepieman Is surfing the waves of indifference on, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:49,
terrible racism, there

arseboon dilbaro arseboon dilbaro, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:49,
its Pie ism
andythepieman Is surfing the waves of indifference on, Fri 28 Oct 2011, 13:50,