Last week I had to stop a guy attacking another one in the middle of the road - one had run the lights whilst on the phone and the other had objected. I actually had to take the attacker's car keys out of their car and tell him he wasn't getting them back till he calmed down.
Looking back on it, I was lucky I was feeling all parental and in control or the situation could have panned out very differently.
Have you lost it on the roads, or have you been on the recieving end of some nutter?
( , Thu 12 Oct 2006, 21:31)
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Before I got my first car, a smelly old V reg Corsa that has an uncanny resemblance to the car I learned to drive in, my main mode of transport was my pushbike. I'd regularly cycle the 7 miles to my job stacking shelves at ASDA or to school and so on. Unfortunately the main road I travelled on was also the main route for Lorries headed out to Kelty or Dunfermline from Stirling. Oh fun.
One day, having successfully managing to play bicycle frogger with the lorries all the way into town, I begin to relax.
Then some wee shite (funny to say that, back then they were older than me)decides to not check who's coming along as he pulls out of parking by the side of the road and comes straight at me.
I think I uttered something like "Oh holy crapfuck" before going flying over the handlebars and roof of the tin plated A reg Nova with the baked bean can exhaust to make it sound bigger.
My bike was ruined, the front forks were bent back and stripped of paint, the front wheel was in several pieces, many of which were spokes in my legs (ouch btw). I had the satisfaction that in its death throws my bike had wreaked some havok and done a can opener job on the bonnet and windshield of the twunts car. It was like a can of sardines made of Vauxhall.
It turned out this guy (who asked if I wanted him to call an ambulance at least) lived in my village, 3 months later in his brand spanking new Renault 5 with the white spoiler and overrated sound system was driving down the main road of the village when his brakes failed and he went headfirst into a lamppost. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt, so was propelled out through the windshield and hit the lamppost with his head, which exploded.
Seatbelts are there for a reason y'know.
( , Wed 18 Oct 2006, 10:23, Reply)
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