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This is a question Scars with history

You've all got scars: they're nature's little reminders not to be so damned stupid next time. My favourite is the 1/4" round hole in the back of my right hand, created when I was 7 by my best friend putting a manure-covered gardening fork "away".

Tell us the stories behind your scars. With photos if possible.

(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:00)
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Scar 2
Both my kids have identical scars over their left eye (both girls!).

The first was when my eldest was 3. Jumping around on the end of our bed she bounced too far and twatted her forehead off the carved wooden end of our bed. Cue screaming, trip to casualty, dissolving stitches.

3 years later, the missus and I are in bed and our youngest, now 4, is jumping about on the bed, 8am one morning.
"Watch out. You don't want to do that" etc etc says I.
Obviously miffed that I sound like Victor Mildrew, I am told......
"Leave the child alone, she is only doing what kids do best" say the missus just as the wee one twatts her face of the carved wooden end of our bed.
Cue screaming, trip to casualty, dissolving stitches, but this time I am quizzed about "the injury" ("what do you do for a living Mr Brett3005?" " I am a bare knuckle boxer!" "WHAT?" "Manager in a book shop, sorry")

I never even got a chance to be smug about my "I'm Dad, I'm right" episode.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 17:09, Reply)

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