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This is a question Schadenfreude

There's nothing like administering first aid to cyclist who has just spanged into the back of a milk float when you have tears of laughter running down your face. The world is just one long episode of You've Been Framed - when have you laughed at the misfortune of others?

Suggested by althechristmasgeordie

(, Thu 17 Dec 2009, 12:05)
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Locals at Millwall
Millwall FC is a terrible place to go and visit. It is filled with the uggliest pitbull-esque dregs that years of inbreeding could produce. It's a terrible place, made worse by the terrible people.

Anyway, I'm at a night game in the corner of the visitors stand, and there in the walkway infront of the home terrace is one of the locals.

He's a typical. White tracksuit jacket, burberry accessories, tracky bottoms ttucked in socks, cartoon character face, gel head. And he's giving it large.

The abuse from his mouth is neither articulate, witty or even really abusive... but he's having a go. He's stood in a large puddle - it's a wet evening. And he's getting more and more animated as he throws some v's and hooped fingers to elaborate his words.

Suddenly, he gets that excited and more animated, and he does a slow motion slip backwards, as his feet rise above his head and he flops into the puddle, cracking his head on the concrete below.

The away stand roared with laughter, as did the home stand, and the sorry looking muppet had to walk head low back to his seat. Wet and ridiculed.

And then we stuffed them 2-0.

(, Fri 18 Dec 2009, 9:05, Reply)

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