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This is a question Schadenfreude

There's nothing like administering first aid to cyclist who has just spanged into the back of a milk float when you have tears of laughter running down your face. The world is just one long episode of You've Been Framed - when have you laughed at the misfortune of others?

Suggested by althechristmasgeordie

(, Thu 17 Dec 2009, 12:05)
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Refusing help
It's been snowing like nobody's business here on the east coast of the US and this afternoon the wife and I thought we'd go for a little stroll. The roads have been ploughed but it's coming down so heavily that after half an hour or so they're absolutely covered again. We spied a copper driving along, sirens blaring and lights blazing, and not another soul on the road. The old Bill over here aren't capable of doing anything inconspicuously. As we continued to watch he rewarded us with the very great pleasure of seeing him turn right and drive straight into a snow drift, becoming well and truly stuck.

A few civic minded folks had wandered over to offer a push, and we were about to do so ourselves as well, when he wound down his window and angrily told everyone to 'step back onto the sidewalk'. We collectively shrugged, one or two were heard to utter 'jerk', and he was left to his own devices.

Still there 10 minutes later, with the scent of burning clutch lingering in the frosty air, he had finally grasped the insurmountable nature of his predicament and deigned to allow others to help.

The ones who weren't still in hysterics.
(, Sat 19 Dec 2009, 22:18, 5 replies)
only arseholes become policemen
much like politicians. anybody who wants a position of power or authority should immediately be stopped from ever having it.
(, Sat 19 Dec 2009, 23:48, closed)
I do agree
with your sentiments concerning people who want power needing to be prevented from obtaining it at all costs.

A good friend of mine is an officer of the law though, back in the UK, and a thoroughly nice bloke too. A few rotten apples, etc. My initial pleasure was derived from a needless amount of noise and palaver being quickly and effectively silenced! :)
(, Sun 20 Dec 2009, 0:42, closed)
he must be the exception
that proves the rule. i've never met a policeman or woman who was nice, polite or remotely helpful.
(, Sun 20 Dec 2009, 1:55, closed)
I agree
It's the power-mad self absorbed petty hitlers with enormous chips on their shoulders, no intelligence and zero social skills that give the other 1% a bad name.
(, Sun 20 Dec 2009, 9:35, closed)
i wouldn't mind so much
if the other 1% ever got a look-in
(, Mon 21 Dec 2009, 15:33, closed)

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