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This is a question School Days

"The best years of our lives," somebody lied. Tell us the funniest thing that ever happened at school.

(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 12:19)
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Work experience
Work experience in the local primary school when I was fifteen. The same primary school I had gone to for a year after moving house.

Back when I was ten, it was not a good school, I was a year or two ahead because I had come from a better school and ended up running errands for the teachers, cataloguing the library, stamping new textbooks with the school logo. That sort of thing.

There was one girl, Charlie who wanted me to hide her pack of ten embassy regal. I refused and she said she would hate me forever and get me back.

Five years later and we have worked side by side for two weeks. I had gone out of my way to be nice, took my three colleagues back to my house at lunchtime, I made tea and tried to talk and joke with them. Most of them fell flat, but nevermind thinks I. I had managed the two weeks without anyone being particularly unpleasant to me, barring the four-year-old who went mental in assembly and bit my leg, so it had been pretty sucsessful as far as I was concerned.

On the last day of the placement the four of us were in the room the teachers set aside for us as our mini staff room, I was sitting blowing on my tea, the religious fanatic sitting beside me, Charlie behind me and her minion at her shoulder by the door.

Charlie hit me in the back of the head without warning or provocation, I spilled tea all over myself and it was hot and I sat there in shock while she and her minon left.

I gathered myself together, tried to dry off and went to see the teacher, who refused to speak to me alone. There I was covered in tea, face white, hands shaking infront of a class of four and five year olds. When she turned to me and saw I was not pissing about she told me to go to the headmaster. I did.

He didn't do anything about it or make any kind of report, just had words with her about it, and she lied her chunky bum off. She told them I was a danger to the children and I had made the whole thing up, that I was an attention seeker and not normal. The religious fanatic refused to say anything as he hadn't actually seen anything, just me sputtering into my tea and jerking forward out of my chair, and the minion had been under the thumb for about ten years as far as I could tell and was scared of Charlie.

The primary school sent a report back to my school saying that I didn't work well in a group and that I should be watched carefully. Naturally I found this upsetting.

All was well a few weeks later, Charlie pissed herself in a maths lesson. I felt completely at peace with her finally. I hadn't done anything to her, it must just be natural justice.
(, Fri 30 Jan 2009, 19:43, Reply)

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