Inflated Self-Importance
Amorous Badger asks: Tell us tales of people who have a high opinion of themselves. Jumped-up officials, the mad old bloke who runs the Neighbourhood Watch like it's a military operation, Colonel Blimps, pompous bastards and people stuck up their own arse.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 24 Jan 2013, 12:22)
I once wrote an email to the owner of the now largely dormant 'speak You're Branes' blog.
That terrible bastard was cutting and pasting and linking stupid stuff people had said online and suggesting you might find it funny. What a massive cunt.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Fri 25 Jan 2013, 14:42,
9 replies)
Unoriginal prick points to inspiration for justification
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Fri 25 Jan 2013, 14:50,
This is the sort of vicious bullying that is ruining this self help group.
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Fri 25 Jan 2013, 16:08,
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Fri 25 Jan 2013, 16:19,
Not upset, Trolling The Trolls.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Fri 25 Jan 2013, 17:45,

emvee cruor deo cruoris, Fri 25 Jan 2013, 17:48,

BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Fri 25 Jan 2013, 21:34,
More of this sort of thing.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Sat 26 Jan 2013, 11:28,