Amorous Badger asks: Tell us tales of people who have a high opinion of themselves. Jumped-up officials, the mad old bloke who runs the Neighbourhood Watch like it's a military operation, Colonel Blimps, pompous bastards and people stuck up their own arse.
( , Thu 24 Jan 2013, 12:22)
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Some internet random describes being subject to parking fines (abstractly) as being 'financially raped' and you get your tent-sized knickers in a twist, but your husband repeatedly jokes about raping children on exactly the same messageboard and that's fine because of, you know, context.
Have I accurately summed up the situation?
( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 14:34, 1 reply)

Three out of the four posts you linked were taken out of context - and in context they are mildly amusing comments on the actions and utter lack of self-awareness made by the OPs in question - and they are not lazy analogies. They are not analogies at all.
The fourth one (the one you refer to) is fucking stupid. I think I was quite clear about that. He's sat in the room - I'm not going to have a domestic online just so you can have a little powerwank over it.
My point to the OP was that he didn't actually make a joke. It wasn't a joke. It was an off the cuff analogy that could have been made in a way that didn't include rape. It was lazy.
As I have said, if you want to prove me a hypocrite, provide evidence that I've used 'rape' as an analogy. I'd like to hope that I haven't. I've joked about my rape in the past, because that's how I dealt with the shit I went through. Without the humour, I'd still be a victim. However, I will go on record as saying that when it is done for a cheap laugh, it cheapens everyone involved. I'm not going to stop anyone from doing it, but I will say something when it is brought to my attention. Because I think the message bears repeating, especially considering the way society as a whole approaches the topic of rape and sexual assault. I'd like to think that nobody on here is thick enough to think that rape is ok - seriously, with the exception of a very, very small minority on here, I think most people agree that rape is Not A Good Thing.
There is a culture on b3ta, however - and the internet as a whole - where we lazily use the term 'rape'. People claiming that their facebook status has been 'fraped' is one of them. People on youtube who say they want to 'rape that girl's tits', or the insults that get thrown at online gamers (and it's mainly at women, it has to be said) where 11 year old kids tell you that they are going to hunt you down and gang rape you. It lessens the shock of something utterly, utterly inhumane - something that I wouldn't wish on anyone, ever.
At best it's lazy. At it's worst, it is something that can trigger traumatic flashbacks. I'm not saying it's impossible to make the subject of rape into a joke, it's just fucking difficult - and when a rape survivor tells you that he/she does not find the joke funny, then you need to examine the joke itself and ask yourself if there is a better way to make people laugh.
I'm sorry that you are so eager to have a dig at Badger that you miss the actual point being made, and thought it better to carry on with the playground bromance you and Badger have going on. As for my 'tent sized' knickers being in a twist...I wouldn't worry about that. I rarely wear any.
( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 19:19, closed)

See, I did the same search I did on Badger on myself. I found that I referred to the "click for bigger" on an image I did in 2007 as "omg emvee raped my monitor sized" (it's sadly offline now but in my defence it was very, very big). There's one which you could totally take out of context should you want:
Other than that? There's one where I replied to Badger when he'd gone off on a tangent about raping postboxes, because that's a humorous analogy, obviously. There's one where I echoed back WaspBox's words after he joked about the laws of the Old Testament including not raping your neighbour's ass. There's one where I replied to some idiot who has "Its not rape if she cums first" as his signature and there's one where I'm literally describing the (disturbing) image posted. You could probably find more if you dig deeper, but in each case I limited myself to the first page of results.
Badger had a bunch of offhand references to raping children and babies. Just saying. That's not even including the phrases "Rob fingers kids" and "ringofyre fucks eight year olds", both of which he's fond of. If you think b3ta has a culture of rape humour that's unacceptable, then I'm not going to argue with you because it's not really a well that I plumb that often.
I just think that it's odd that you don't mind your husband joking about rape as in an actual "raping the kids" rape analogy on this messageboard on a weekly basis yet you take exception to someone using the word in a financial sense because as a rape survivor to you that's "unacceptable"?
I'm genuinely curious where you draw the line?
( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 21:29, closed)

( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 21:34, closed)
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