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Home » Question of the Week » Sexism » Post 600033 | Search
This is a question Sexism

Freddie Woo tells us: Despite being a well rounded modern man I think women are best off getting married and having a few kids else they'll be absolutely miserable come middle age.

What views do you have that are probably sexist that you believe are true?

(, Sun 27 Dec 2009, 12:23)
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Women and Men
The women who want to appear intelligent and knowledgeable, but don't want to put in the 'boring' hard work and studying to achieve it. It's very transparent, and a little sad to watch.

The pub men who think they have the answer to everything, and whose opinion is more valid than those who've spent years studying it on the basis that they're older and thus with age comes knowledge and infinite wisdom.
(, Mon 28 Dec 2009, 20:54, 3 replies)
Sounds like
99% of all newspaper columnists.
(, Mon 28 Dec 2009, 21:09, closed)
Started working in a pub recently...
...and the second paragraph makes me sad because it's true :(
(, Mon 28 Dec 2009, 23:54, closed)
That's off topic
You're not describing Sexism, you're describing global antipathy towards graduates with a chip on their shoulder about all the years of studying, etc. and how they now work in a pub and no-one cares about their expensive degree or all the cool shit they know.

But don't let it get you down. There's a new batch every year, and they're always increasingly younger, keener, prettier and cheaper than you.
(, Tue 29 Dec 2009, 2:16, closed)

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