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This is a question Shit Stories

I once ate four Kendal Mint Cakes and did a white shit. My old school friend Roger had to outdo me. He claimed to have done a "blue bubbling turd" after eating six packets of blackcurrant Chewits. We want to hear your stories of poo, from crapping yourself at your sisters wedding to shitting the bed during sex. Go on - be filthy.

(, Wed 5 May 2004, 22:24)
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A funny story I heard as a child many times
From my nanny (the same one that put soap u know where) She often told us this cause shes a funny woman even as a child...Yes its poo related...

When she was very little at school she was desperate to have a crap and even puting her hand up to lave didt help as her teacher wasnt haveing anything of it. So as she sat working on a painting or something she had a pooh (thankfully nothing too messy) proped on the side of her chair and carried on working when a boy in her class with a bit of a lisp kept repeating
"Doween Tutt dun poowiee! Doween Tutt dun poowiee!"

I know another similar story of her wee related when she was still a kid. To cut it short she was desparate when waiting outside a friands house to answer the door so she did it where she stand with her firends new dog sitting next to her. Never saw the dog again.

I love my nan, it was her 76th (i think)birthday yesterday
(, Thu 6 May 2004, 13:58, Reply)

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