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This is a question Shoplifting

When I was young and impressionable and on holiday in France, I followed some friends into a sweet shop and we each stole something. I was so mortified by this, I returned them.

My lack of French hampered this somewhat - they had no idea why the small English boy wanted to add some chews to the open box, and saw it as an attempt by a nasty foreigner oik to contaminate their stock. Not my best day.

What have you lifted?

(, Thu 10 Jan 2008, 11:13)
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A day out
With a couple of friends, going shopping, all that girly stuff when we bumped into a couple of guys we knew. We took a seat outside HMV so we could have a catch-up, when one of the guys with us decided he was going to add to his CD collection by nicking as much as he could carry from the shop. We watched through the doors, not believing the casualness of what he was doing as he picked up handfuls of CD cases and stuffed them into his jacket. As he began his casual walk through the door, he was grabbed by a security officer and marched towards the back. Thinking this was hilarious, we stayed put to see what would happen. About 15 minutes later, this guy walked out, looking miserable, explaining that the security guy had given him a warning and a lifelong ban. Lucky for him, we thought, security tends to be complete bastards in those places.

Turns out, he hadn't learnt his lesson. He then decided to cross the road to the local Spar where he again attempted to shoplift, this time a measly Mars Bar. The irate shop keeper had a hold of him before he even left the store and this time, it took a trip to the station accompanied by several pissed off officers to stop him.

So now, whenever his name is mentioned, it's always accompanied by 'Oh, that idiot arrested for nicking a Mars Bar. Ha ha ha!'
(, Fri 11 Jan 2008, 14:16, Reply)

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