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This is a question Sporting Woe

In which we ask a bunch of pasty-faced shut-ins about their exploits on the sports field. How bad was it for you?

Thanks to scarpe for the suggestion.

(, Thu 19 Apr 2012, 13:40)
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Men are doomed
I attended boxing for 3-4 years, just for the exercise, i was never in a proper boxing match. I only sparred, but sometimes with proper licensed amateur boxers.

Including female ones.

And they were the worst. They were smaller and a lot faster. Weight matters in boxing, but they compensated for it with sheer dedication and speed. Also quite a few of the studied to become doctors, and even one of them to become a priest. The absolute highlight was when i got my nose smashed in by one of them because i "didn't move my head away fast enough" as the coach (in boxing you are not using faggot words like "Sensei") berated me. Yes, essentially i was beaten up by a girl!

I tell you, men already lost.
(, Fri 20 Apr 2012, 10:39, 10 replies)
I had this issue kickboxing
I couldn't get over the ingrained "don't hit girls" thing, so tended to get battered by the women without putting up any kind of fight.
(, Fri 20 Apr 2012, 11:09, closed)
The nails always got me
My style of karate doesn't use an pads or protection, so your feet are bare.

The number of women with long (and sharp) toenails is unbelieveble.
(, Fri 20 Apr 2012, 12:21, closed)
That's just stupid
Due to work I've travelled around a fair bit and been accepted as a guest member in a number of dojos/dojangs, and it's always been requested that hair is tied back, no jewellery is worn and that fingernails/toenails are kept short. One sensei would occasionally line everyone up and if he thought your nails needed trimming, you didn't spar for that session, you stuck to basics.

It's the owner of the nails that needs to worry too - a nail gets bent back and ripped out of the cuticle base is extremely fucking painful.
(, Fri 20 Apr 2012, 12:47, closed)
I would check, yes
But when I was younger and the class was being taken by a "softer" instructor, they wouldn't always check.

Training 4 days a week meant I travelled to 2 or 3 different venues, and they weren't all held by Master Loke, who would have you doing 50 "jumping pumping" (jumping pressups on the knuckles) just for having your belt tied incorrectly.

It's a shame that over the years I have seen a general decline in standards. I suppose this will happen with 3rd or 4th generation instructors in this day-and-age.
(, Fri 20 Apr 2012, 14:17, closed)
Yes, you've just reminded me.
There have also been clubs where I've turned up and sat in on a session before training, and decided not to bother - kids mucking around, belts badly tied, etc. Signs which pointed to a lowering of standards, and a lower quality of instruction.

I'm not sure the problem is specifically 3rd or 4th generation instruction, it's what the objective is - if you try to pander to the needs of the many (to keep numbers up and the money rolling in), the quality is going to go down. A lot of people see it as cheap babysitting for the kids, or a social club, or a slightly more interesting way of getting fit, rather than as a martial art.

My Kyokushin sensei in Sweden would quite happily wind me with a knee to the stomach if my guard was down, because he knew I shouldn't have let it go through, and he'd also angrily shout at me if he thought I wasn't giving it 100%. Many people wouldn't be prepared to spend their free time being treated this way. Personally, I knew he was doing it because he believed in me - and when it comes down to actually needing those skills in real life, you don't get a chance to do it again.
(, Fri 20 Apr 2012, 15:05, closed)
You've hit the nail on the head.
I'm glad I trained when I did and with someone I actually respected.

Forunately most of the bullies and get-dangerous-quick types couldn't take the discipline of standing in one stance for half an hour because one of the group momentarily relaxed.

Sounds like you had a good instructor, and it's probably done you good in life in general.
(, Fri 20 Apr 2012, 15:24, closed)
The standard lowering..
is really sad. I trained Aikido for fifteen years until I emigrated at 22. I desperately tried to find a new club to join over here and I sat in on a few but the complete lack of discipline and courtesy was overwhelming. I even saw a group of students running around off the mat in bare feet.. gik..

So I haven't trained now in five years. I miss it, and I miss my first Sensei. It makes me sad :(
(, Thu 26 Apr 2012, 9:35, closed)
Unfortunately it now seems to be part of the UK culture
Personal discipline in a sport is the same discipline that stops us from just dropping litter instead of walking over to a bin.

If you've got the self-control to train in all weathers, when you're not feeling 100% or there's a good film you'd rather watch, then I'd imagine you're not going to be lazy in other areas of your life.

I've had many students that drop out because they wanted "something for nothing". In a more affluent society you generally get more for doing less, and they think this works in sport.

You only have to watch the talent shows to see how deluded some of them are...
(, Thu 26 Apr 2012, 10:12, closed)

Exactly! That was an issue too! I was so bad at it (or gentlemanlike if you will) that some of them would get irritated, asking me to attack them!
(, Fri 20 Apr 2012, 13:53, closed)
"faggot words" ?
(, Sat 21 Apr 2012, 0:14, closed)

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