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This is a question Stalked

Have you been stalked? Or have you done the stalking? Is that you in the bushes outside with the nightvision goggles?

(, Thu 31 Jan 2008, 15:40)
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It's my own fault for being lovely I guess...
Many moons ago (mid 90's), I was with this girl. Nice enough, bit goth though. Anyway, we were together about two years when we went off to uni. Different ones, but close enough for frequent visits. The usual thing happened - freshers week, alcohol etc, and decided that a relationship wasn't the way for me to go. So I ended it.

All was well for a while until I started to notice a very familar looking car around where I was living. Her car to be specific. She would basically drive over and watch me - I would even come home in the wee small hours with a new "friend" to see her parked at the end of the road. Even mates started to notice her doing it. They would sometimes wave and shout hello at her (at which point she would drive off). Climaxed with her turning up at football training one night and handing me a bin bag containing everything I had ever given her in it. Got home to find her parked outside my place, wanting some of the things back. I then started to get random letters (hand written as this was the days before emither properly kicked in) from various members of her family saying how it was such a shame and that they hoped we would get back together. Jesus.

She disappered after that, but turned up at my parents house about a year later (during the easter break) about 2 stone heavier and wearing ill advised leather strides (that really stuck in my mind - she looked like she had been poured into them, but the guy doing the pouring must have had parkinsons as there was a lot of spillage). Was in tears as she said that a) she missed me sooo much and b) had caught clamidia and was now infertile (thanks for that. Dad needed to hear that at tea time).
(, Fri 1 Feb 2008, 9:32, Reply)

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