Godwin's Lawyer tells us: "I once worked with a lad who believed 'Frankenstein' was based on a true story, and that the book was written by Shirley Bassey." Tell us about your workplace dopes.
( , Thu 3 Mar 2011, 15:34)
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I work in a pub in Cardiff. Things my charming workmates have said:
About my ex-boyfriend, who is black (I am white, so are all my workmates): "I don't know how you could ever sleep with a black guy."
"I'd never sleep with a girl if she'd slept with a black man before. Once you go black we don't want you back."
"If a paki fell off his motorbike I wouldn't help him. It's not like he would help me." "Yeah, exactly, all pakis hate white people, I read it in the paper." "Which paper?" "The Sun."
An asian guy I recently met is ALWAYS referred to as "your 'coloured' guy", even though I'm not involved with any other men at the moment.
The 24 year old who sleeps with 14 year old girls says: "A man sleeping with another man is wrong. It says man shall not lay with man in the bible. Yeah, I'm a christian, that's why I have this (MASSIVE CHEAP GROSS) cross tattooed on my forearm."
They seem SO NICE otherwise. Funny and I get on well with them. It's so sad they have such ridiculous views.
Sorry for no lols :(
( , Tue 8 Mar 2011, 16:19, 10 replies)

additional to make it seem less stalkerish: I went to uni in Cardiff, and don't live anywhere near there now.
( , Tue 8 Mar 2011, 16:25, closed)

one in llanishen, not in the centre. if you're not from cardiff and only went to uni there it's unlikely you'll know it, it's more a family pub/restauranty place than a bar.
( , Tue 8 Mar 2011, 17:37, closed)

Often good people until you touch on anything foreign or gay. You have my sympathies.
I was pleasently surprised by a colleague on a building site once though who, after listening to other colleagues talk about "no good niggers and pakis", told me quietly that "Me and our kid batter wankers like that when we go on anti-fascist league rallies.". OK, so that's almost as bad as the casual racism -- but at least the balance was somewhat redressed.
( , Tue 8 Mar 2011, 17:20, closed)

... as one does with a woman" - that's Leviticus 18:22. Seems pretty clear, doesn't it? But you said he had a tattoo of a cross on his arm... Oh dear, then he's rather run afoul of Leviticus 19:28 then, hasn't he?
"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you" - oh, oopsie. Various more modern translations specifically use the word tattoo, as does the Gaelic bible.
( , Tue 8 Mar 2011, 17:43, closed)

I'm going to memorise that for that my next pub-bound 'theological debate'. Have you got any more?
( , Tue 8 Mar 2011, 18:12, closed)

1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
( , Tue 8 Mar 2011, 21:44, closed)

They have found all the bits of the bible that contradict each other.
( , Tue 8 Mar 2011, 21:52, closed)

A friend from school was the son of a lay minister, and thus knew his Bible inside and out, in English, Gaelic and Latin. Brilliant fun when the JWs came knocking, we'd invite them in, have a cup of tea (because there's no point being rude - how un-Christian can you be, turning someone away on a pissing wet awful Saturday afternoon when they're clearly wet and cold and direly in need of a brew and a wee scone? Really...) and let them say their piece.
Then, he'd sit forwards, polish his glasses on his Slayer t-shirt, reach for a handy Bible, open it, read silently for a moment, then *demolish* everything they'd said. Every single thing they said to defend themselves, he'd find the exact chapter and verse in his Bible, turn to the page, and read it. And then explain it, in microscopic detail.
I don't know if I believe in God, or churches, or religion, but if he was a minister I'd definitely go to his church. Awesome stuff. I love it when someone really knows their subject.
( , Wed 9 Mar 2011, 0:22, closed)
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