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Home » Question of the Week » Amazing displays of ignorance » Post 671890 | Search
This is a question Amazing displays of ignorance

Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic tells us: "My dad's friend told us there's no such thing as gravity - it's just the weight of air holding us down". Tell us of times you've been floored by abject stupidity. "Whenever I read the Daily Express" is not a valid answer.

(, Thu 18 Mar 2010, 16:48)
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Checkout Touche
I was at Tesco buying a couple of things and for once paid with a tenner instead of my card. In my usual trace I said to the checkout girl: "Can I have some cash back please?"

Without a moment's thought she said
"Yes sir, it's called change".

Titters from people in queue behind as I "Um, er, ah yes, very good, ahem" my way out of the store.
(, Tue 23 Mar 2010, 15:54, 2 replies)
(, Tue 23 Mar 2010, 16:53, closed)
is fantastic.

Have lots of clicks.
(, Tue 23 Mar 2010, 17:11, closed)

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