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Home » Question of the Week » Unusual talents » Post 980394 | Search
This is a question Unusual talents

B3tans! Can you hum with your tongue? (Your Ginger Fuhrer can and he once demonstrated this to a producer on Blockbusters on the hope of getting on TV) Maybe you can bend your thumb in a really horrid way that makes it look broken. (Your Ginger Fuhrer's other special talent) What can you do? Extra points if you fancy demonstrating this with the odd pic or youtube vid.

Suggested by Dazbrilliantwhites

(, Thu 18 Nov 2010, 14:28)
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I did this once
with the seal around a window on the train. Instead of a little rubber seal, it had some metal running around the edge. I usually use a spoon to open my bottles, though. Saw a neat video once on how to open a beer bottle with a bill, but I could never get it to work.
(, Mon 22 Nov 2010, 16:17, Reply)

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