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This is a question DIY Techno-hacks

Old hard drive platters make wonderfully good drinks coasters - they look dead smart and expensive and you've stopped people reading your old data into the bargain.

Have you taped all your remotes together, peep-show-style? Have you wired your doorbell to the toilet? What enterprising DIY have you done with technology?

Extra points for using sellotape rather than solder.

(, Thu 20 Aug 2009, 12:30)
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My Land Rover
I could write a list as long as my arm. There was a lot of sellotape, some gaffa (where would the world be without it?) and very little solder.

One of the doors was painted in a shade of 'Thomas the Tank' blue, because I'd bought the wrong colour and had painted the whole thing before I realised.

The best one was the weekend I re-sealed the roof. I spent an age drilling out all the old rivets holding it on, and even longer using a heat gun to scrape out all the manky old black sealant.

It was at this point I realised that I had a sodding great sheet of MDF to pick up for my brother that day.

Now here's a message to all those Subaru Impreza drivers (in the style of Crocodile Dundee). That's not a spoiler, *that's* a spoiler!
(, Tue 25 Aug 2009, 3:27, Reply)

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