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This is a question DIY Techno-hacks

Old hard drive platters make wonderfully good drinks coasters - they look dead smart and expensive and you've stopped people reading your old data into the bargain.

Have you taped all your remotes together, peep-show-style? Have you wired your doorbell to the toilet? What enterprising DIY have you done with technology?

Extra points for using sellotape rather than solder.

(, Thu 20 Aug 2009, 12:30)
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I want my MTV
Some 12 or 13 years ago I moved out of my lovely flat, which came with satellite tv, to move in to a flat with Mrs Argle, which didn't (the flat, not Mrs Argyle). After moving in, I dutifully enquired with the landlords as to the possibility of erecting a satellite dish. "No chance," says they, "it's a listed building." "Fucksocks," says I. I may have also said "Mother pus-bucket," but I'm not sure.

Undaunted, I went ahead and purchased a satellite dish, box and subscription. Thinking I'd figure out how to set it up, without the landlords knowing, after the fact (you may notice a theme here). Took it back to the flat. Looked at it. Looked at the lovely terrace that came with the flat. Looked at the satellite dish. Had a cuppa. Looked at the satellite dish a bit more. Went for a pint. Came home. Looked at the dish again. Looked at my camera tripod. Eureka!

With the aid of a drill and a convenient bolt, I managed to mount the satellite dish on the tripod and set it up on the terrace. But how to aim it? Well, with the aid of a convenient website, spirit level, angle finder and one of those crap compasses you can buy from a garage, I managed to aim the dish roughly in the direction of the satellite and get a signal! Result!

"Genius," I called myself. "Genius," Mrs Argyle called me. "Fucksocks!" I yelled every time the wind blew the damn thing over. In the middle of the night. In the dead of winter. In the rain.
(, Tue 25 Aug 2009, 13:57, 5 replies)
More drilling and some bolts in the floor?
More drilling, a couple of good heavy planks, and some bolts through those?
(, Tue 25 Aug 2009, 14:10, closed)
...from an old washing machine?
(, Tue 25 Aug 2009, 14:12, closed)
Gaffer tape the whole thing to the balcony?

(, Tue 25 Aug 2009, 14:32, closed)
A specially trained ninja to defend against raptor attacks?

(, Tue 25 Aug 2009, 15:44, closed)
None of the above.
Swearing, cursing and eventually moving out.
(, Tue 25 Aug 2009, 16:27, closed)

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