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This is a question Teenage Parties

Ah, the heady days when catering consisted of a crate of lager and some vodka illicitly extracted by whoever looked oldest, decoration consisted of removing any breakable furniture and the morning after was just the morning and not the rest of the week.

Tell us who you snogged, where you threw up and who just would not leave.

(, Thu 13 Apr 2006, 10:20)
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16th parties were always a laugh...
I went to my friends 16th party, and there was this one guy there, he was a bit of a wierdo, anyway he got absolutely hammered and started eating cake...space cake...he didn't actually REALISE it was space cake...he ended up scooping mayonaise straight out of the jar and throwing it at people, then went outside, laid on his back and smoked a cigarette, and then somehow broke his glasses. My dad came to pick me up, spotted him and rang his mum (his sister and my sister were best friends). She was WELL not pleased. I don't think a week went by at school afterwards where it wasn't mentioned...teehee
(, Thu 13 Apr 2006, 15:44, Reply)

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