There's nothing like carrying large amounts of cash to make yourself feel simultaneously like a lottery winner and an obvious target.
A friend went to buy a car for ten grand, panicked and stuffed it down his pants for safety. It was all a bit smelly by the time he got there and he had to search around for some of it...
Tell us the story behind the most cash you've ever carried.
( , Thu 22 Jun 2006, 10:39)
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I still get to do the banking at work, 45 minutes away from the crushingly harsh duties of covertly playing C&C:Generals inbetween phone calls and damage control missions caused by the driver/the boss/his wife/her lover ;)
We pay out a lot in cash (totally legit, honest guv') and the cash is drawn from a cheque presented by yours truly every week. I may feel like the paperboy sometimes but this is one of those remedial duties I enjoy. I like walking. And carrying money straight past poor people in public, y'know, for kicks.
Usually have only a few grand to bring back but once I wandered back through the sunny town of Romsey with a shade over £26,000 in 50's and 20's, half in a bag and half split between my coat pockets. I could so easily have caned it to the train station (the office/yard of the company is in the old goods yard of the train station for f**ks sake!) but as an event the aforementioned act could be represented mathematically as:
GARRR!! humourous thing I forget, ah screw it :(
( , Mon 26 Jun 2006, 14:15, Reply)
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