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Home » Question of the Week » The most cash I've ever carried » Post 57535 | Search
This is a question The most cash I've ever carried

There's nothing like carrying large amounts of cash to make yourself feel simultaneously like a lottery winner and an obvious target.

A friend went to buy a car for ten grand, panicked and stuffed it down his pants for safety. It was all a bit smelly by the time he got there and he had to search around for some of it...

Tell us the story behind the most cash you've ever carried.

(, Thu 22 Jun 2006, 10:39)
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I once found a wallet with no cash, a american express card ( not signed with pin), some travel vouchers and a passport. no no no , I handed it in to the police, 5 weeks later i got a phone call, the owner came to my house after i gave the address to him, yep guess what ??? he gave me a 50 pence reward, wish i would have hammered his card tight get
(, Mon 26 Jun 2006, 18:48, Reply)

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