What's your most treasured possession? What would you rescue from a fire (be it for sentimental or purely financial reasons)?
My Great-Uncle left me his visitors book which along with boring people like the Queen and Harold Wilson has Spike Milligan's signature in it. It's all loopy.
Either that or my Grandfather's swords.
( , Thu 8 May 2008, 12:38)
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I've already posted about my mum's mum, who died when I was small. Much loved, much missed, feisty wee woman.
The other granny, however, was a thrawn auld besom. Lived to be nearly ninety, and was bitter to the end. Her son and daughter could never please her, no matter how hard they tried. Eventually, they stopped trying.
When my parents got married, my dad left a lot of old stuff in her attic, and there it lay for many years to come. He often spoke of selling some of it one day - wartime toys and early editions of boys' comics - secure in the knowledge that it was safe in granny's loft. The old witch was unable to access the loft, due to severe vertigo and being a bit on the obese side.
Then, visiting one day, we were told that some council workmen had been in the loft fitting a new water tank and noticed the stuff. She then calmly informed my dad that she'd said they could take anything they fancied. He was up that loft like a rat up a drainpipe, and found the whole lot was gone. He was beyond mad, and just quietly told us to go out to the car. What he said to her that day remained a secret they took to their respective graves.
For the rest of his life, every time he saw old Dinky cars and comics being sold for a small fortune, his ears would go red. That was the only visible sign we ever got that dad was angry, those red-tipped ears. That was our cue to swiftly remove ourselves from the room so he could have a bloody good rant.
Poor guy - he'd saved these things originally from sentimentality, then with a view to a wee bit of ready cash. Only to have his mother deny him even that.
Thankfully, it wasn't until after my dad died, and granny's mind began to wander, that we found out she'd actually sold the whole box to one of those dealers who go around knocking on doors. Sold her son's possessions, for quite a bit of money, and kept the lot. Greedy old cow.
Her daughter, who'd been treated with the same utter disdain all her life, got the best revenge. Granny left strict instructions for her funeral, including lots of cars and lavish "floral tributes" but got one car, a couple of simple bouquets, and we spent the rest of the money on a family piss-up. Granny was a life-long teetotaller. We could hear her spinning from the pub!
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 15:58, 5 replies)

Except... She wasn't about to be shown...
Maybe she'll get reincarnated as a goat in a field near Al...
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 16:14, closed)

we can but hope. Or a mosquito - she pissed off everyone she ever met.
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 16:17, closed)

*rolls eyes*
I'm boooored. Finished all my work, got 40 mins to kill before I can go...
And the board is really quiet.
I need stimulation, dammit!
*dances impatiently*
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 16:19, closed)

look, I've told you, if you keep rubbing them, they'll keep falling out.
( , Fri 9 May 2008, 16:54, closed)
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