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This is a question My most treasured possession

What's your most treasured possession? What would you rescue from a fire (be it for sentimental or purely financial reasons)?

My Great-Uncle left me his visitors book which along with boring people like the Queen and Harold Wilson has Spike Milligan's signature in it. It's all loopy.

Either that or my Grandfather's swords.

(, Thu 8 May 2008, 12:38)
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Meme (n)
According to my Mac's dictionary, is "an element of a culture or system of behaviour that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation".

So they do exist outwith the interweb. If one actor believes in ghosties and ghoulies in a theatre, he tells his mate and he believes it too. And so on.

I'm stumped by the 'real life' thing though. What's that?
(, Wed 14 May 2008, 20:26, Reply)

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