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This is a question Unexpected Nudity

There you are minding your own business, looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when suddenly... SURPRISE TODGER!

Tell us just how un-erotic unexpected encounters with nudey people can be.

(suggested by wanderingjoe)

(, Thu 28 May 2009, 13:32)
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Unexpected (almost) nudity
I used to have a job in a restaraunt that the Scottish contingency of B3ta may very well have heard of, which specialised in pancakes. I had to wear whites, and a lovely cap and stripy apron. The whites had poppers all down the front. Pay attention, that bit will be important later...
It was August, and for one weekend in that month, the main streets of St Andrews were taken over by the Lammas fair, which was basically your common or garden travelling fair but considered to be a bit more upmarket, pureley because it was in St Andrews.
It was my lunch break, and my friend and I decided that we would partake in the joys of the fair. I took off my stripy apron and as it was a hot day, I went out in just my whites. Due to my father and both uncles being engineers I have been well warned against the dangers of travelling fairground apparatus. For this reason, my friend and I decided that we would have a go on the fun house, which seemed safe enough.
A fun time was being had by all, and we were nearing the end of the walk round. The last part of the funhouse was a treadmill/travelator kind of thing. Friend went on it quite successfully, but me, being a clumsy bastard, wobbled a bit on the beginning. The helpful fairground attendant decided he would steady me by grabbing the back of my whites.

Cue the sound of several poppers unpopping...

Cue me showing my grey bra, my tights and my pants to the whole of St Andrews in the next busiest weekend to the Open...

Cue me and my friend laughing so much that neither of us could do anything about it...

Cue getting a warning from work because both of us were useless for the rest of the day from giggling uncontrollably...
(, Thu 28 May 2009, 20:05, Reply)

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