Flying saucers. Big Cats. Men in Black. Satan walking the Earth. Derek Acorah, also walking the Earth...
Tell us your stories of the supernatural. WoooOOOooOO!
suggestion by Kaol
( , Thu 3 Jul 2008, 10:03)
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Im certain my house is haunted. Its an old farm building that is at least 100 years old, if that has any relevance.
Anyway, I live alone with my dog, and we are isolated in the countryside so its quiet outside, no passing trafic, nothing.
Pretty often in the evenings maybe once or twice a week, I "see" things in various rooms. Its just flashes and movements in my peripheral vision, but it is NOT imagined. they are fleeting glimpses that last a fraction of a second, just shapes, lights and blurs, no forms to identify, but it gives me the creeps.
Every now and then too, ALL outside noise stops. like I said, there is no traffic or neighbours etc, but there is a constant natural background noise.... its hot here, so crickets chirp away, the odd night owl, there is a marsh nearby full of frogs that croak loudly, wind in the trees, the motors on the fridge and freezers in the kitchen, the fan on the pc...every now and then it just stops. Silence. Instantly, like lifting the needle off a record. DEAFENING silence, it really does feel as if there is a "weight" to it, its oppresive. It roars in my ears and it can be amost painfull. I never know what to do....put music on loud as hell or turn the lights out and hide.....hang on...turn the lights out????fuck that. When this happens, the Fear hits me. RUN my brain screams, but im too logical, too stubborn and I dont, I continue walking to whichever room I was going to at my normal pace, but I really have to hold myelf from breaking into a sprint...heart racing, stomach knotted, im terrified, but i have no idea why. I dont know where I would run to, or what I would do when I got there, but a large part of my brain reckons i need to get a bloody move on.
Then there is my dog. She is a coward at the best of times. I have a new kitten, which she is scared of, she is very timid and scared of anything. Its not unusual for her to jump out of her bed and stare intently at nothing at all, hackles up, then she will suddenly make a break for it, run to me and hide behind my legs. This does not reassure me.
The house comes as part of my employment deal here, and I cant leave till october at the earliest. Thing is.... during the day or if there are others here at night, its a fantastic, beautifull place. I cant decide if im just going a little hermit-style mental, or if there is any grounds to my night fears.
Sorry, there is no pun or punchline here :(
( , Thu 3 Jul 2008, 22:33, 6 replies)

work on your social life. being home alone in the evening in a a big old house in the middle of nowhere regularly would freak most people out! Is there a local pub? Use it!
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 0:49, closed)

my social life is fine thanks, and Im not prone to imagining things when alone, no matter where the location is, but hey, thanks for making the assumptions.
( , Fri 4 Jul 2008, 10:52, closed)

...sounds like the start of a stroke, rather than spooky ghosts.
Get your brain checked...just in case.
( , Mon 7 Jul 2008, 15:55, closed)

You need to throw more parties to keep the ghosts away!
*awaits invite*
( , Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:49, closed)
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