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This is a question Tales of the Unexplained

Flying saucers. Big Cats. Men in Black. Satan walking the Earth. Derek Acorah, also walking the Earth...

Tell us your stories of the supernatural. WoooOOOooOO!

suggestion by Kaol

(, Thu 3 Jul 2008, 10:03)
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As a believer...
A lot of people may think theyve been abducted by aliens when there was another reason for it. They could have been abducted by humans. (see X Files)

A lot make it up.

They probably choose redneks mostly because they continually claim they are abductees, therefore therefore no one would believe them. They are probably a safe bet to study human anatomy.

Some UFOs have actually been spotted during the daytime.

Crop circles? Really not sure. Maybe the craft landed and burnt the crops and they have amusing shapes underneath them? Some are man made.

Cows? Obviously they like to eat beef.

I do not believe they are trying to contact us though. Why on earth would any alien race want to contact humans? We are a hostile force. We cant even accept differences between each other without taking on a race from another planet.
(, Fri 4 Jul 2008, 11:30, Reply)

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