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This is a question Tales of the Unexplained

Flying saucers. Big Cats. Men in Black. Satan walking the Earth. Derek Acorah, also walking the Earth...

Tell us your stories of the supernatural. WoooOOOooOO!

suggestion by Kaol

(, Thu 3 Jul 2008, 10:03)
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Ghost Watch
Does anyone remember this BBC TV show then they aired it?

Scared the crap out of me it did! Lost sleep for a good long time afterwards (glad we didn't get central heating till recently though!)
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 15:54, 11 replies)
oh yes...
i fell for it like a proper charlie, scared me witless.

The BFI released it on DVD a while back, it's still pretty convincing, there's no way they'd get away with it now.

(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 16:19, closed)
I remember watching it that haloween (wasn't it a one-off?)

I was only a bairn and was (emotionally, not physically) absolutely shitting myself. Then at the end the studio lights dipped and leaves started blowing across the studio set. It was bittersweet to be relieved that it wasn't real and simultaneously disappointed that it was such a shit ending.
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 16:21, closed)
Where it all began...
I lost a full year of sleep to that programme. A FULL YEAR. And I am still in no-uncertain terms shit scared of ghosts.

Which means this QOTW is a joy to read, I can tell thee!

(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 16:24, closed)
Ooh yes!
Pipes the Ghost, as I recall.
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 16:30, closed)
I saw it
and guessed it was a hoax/drama because the child actors were piss poor. Then "The Fog" was on afterwards which DID scare the crap out of me.
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 16:44, closed)
"The Fog", Christ on a bike, I watched that only a year or 2 ago and my sphincter was still puckering!
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 16:50, closed)
@ Boss K
Yes, Pipes the ghost. Spoke through the little 'un and made her sound like Barry White after an asthma attack... lolz

In fact, don't all these voice projection things sound like they've been on 60 woodbines a day since birth?
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 16:52, closed)
Oh yes...
Watched this again last Halloween with some friends. It's still pretty freaky.

"We've created a massive seance...!"

Then Parky got possessed.

(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 18:18, closed)
I too watched it a few weeks ago...
im almost thirty and it STILL sends shivers down my spine.

Very very spooky, remember you only see Pipes eight times in the whole thing and never for more than two seconds of camera time.!
(, Mon 7 Jul 2008, 19:30, closed)
also bought the DVD, thought I'd scare the crap out of myself again, some good stuff in there about the making of.

Still wouldn't watch it on my own though!

There's a decent entry on wikipedia too!
(, Tue 8 Jul 2008, 9:22, closed)
I seriously hope
you are all kidding, or are about 12! Ghostwatch has to be the lamest pile of crap the BBC have come up with for decades. I remember looking forward to seeing it at the time, the trailers promised something different, something groundbreaking. Within 5 minutes it was plainly obvious it was a hoax, unless you were a kiddy or soft in the head.
I was gutted.

Mind you it did prompt the removal from society of individuals who probably would have been cause for concern to local parents sooner or later.
(, Tue 8 Jul 2008, 16:30, closed)

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