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Home » Question of the Week » Starting something you couldn't finish » Post 767159 | Search
This is a question Starting something you couldn't finish

Finnbar says: I used to know a guy who tattooed LOVE across his left knuckles, but didn't tattoo HATE on the other knuckles because he was right-handed and realised he couldn't finish. Ever run out of skills or inspiration halfway through a job?

(, Thu 24 Jun 2010, 13:32)
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going from your past record
year 8 shead arrives

year 9 look at assembly instructions realise it's quite a bit of work

year 10 make a start on shead

year 11 re treat the shead parts before they rot

year 12 get a builder to assemle shed

(, Fri 25 Jun 2010, 12:39, Reply)

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