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This is a question Starting something you couldn't finish

Finnbar says: I used to know a guy who tattooed LOVE across his left knuckles, but didn't tattoo HATE on the other knuckles because he was right-handed and realised he couldn't finish. Ever run out of skills or inspiration halfway through a job?

(, Thu 24 Jun 2010, 13:32)
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The formula for tha paper I'm currently "writing"
1. show up after the experiments have been planned and started
2. whine to self about how I wouldn't have planned it that way
3. tell person doing the experiments to redo them
4. tell person doing the experiments to redo them again, but this time _my way_
5. discuss writing a paper on it with Boss1
6. get told by Boss2 not to waste my time on it
7. get told by Boss1 to start writing
8. get told by Boss2 it's not worth the effort, but if I really want to just don't "waste too much time"
9. think about what I might actually be able to write
10. tell person doing the experiments to do a heap more because otherwise it's not publishable
11. forget about it for a month and concentrate on things Boss2 wants me to do
12. get asked by Boss1 where I'm up to and blame lack of progress on the person doing the experiments
13. forget about it again...
(, Sat 26 Jun 2010, 6:01, Reply)

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