The B3TA Detective Agency
Universalpsykopath tugs our coat and says: Tell us about your feats of deduction and the little mysteries you've solved. Alternatively, tell us about the simple, everyday things that mystified you for far too long.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 12:52)
Ding, we have a winner
Award yourself an undetermined number of points
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:38,
1 reply)
Can i redeem them
Behind the bar?
andythepieman Is surfing the waves of indifference on, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:44,
You can try, but the barman's a punchy thief.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:45,
direct the barman to this thread to collect them
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:46,
I'll have a pint of mild in a half pint glass please and a pickled egg
andythepieman Is surfing the waves of indifference on, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:47,
Gah, I'd kill for a pint of mild
/midlander living in the south blog
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:47,
Gaz Scarpe he's the London based real ale expert round here
Light In Chains maker of the ikea sofa, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:51,