The B3TA Detective Agency
Universalpsykopath tugs our coat and says: Tell us about your feats of deduction and the little mysteries you've solved. Alternatively, tell us about the simple, everyday things that mystified you for far too long.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 13 Oct 2011, 12:52)
Why is a chicken crosses street?
PERSONALITY HORSE Graham Tapes - free download album - coming soon, Fri 14 Oct 2011, 18:21,
2 replies)
Waddle waddle HONDA ACCORD! splowt.
No mor chikin.
He bully me at skool anyway.
PERSONALITY HORSE Graham Tapes - free download album - coming soon, Fri 14 Oct 2011, 18:22,
It was made of metal, and there was a magnet on the other side.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on, Fri 14 Oct 2011, 20:21,