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This is a question Your Weirdest Teacher

The strangest teacher at my school used to practice his lessons at night. We'd watch through the classroom windows as he did his entire lesson, complete with questions to the class and telling off misbehaving students.

Were your teachers as strange? Of course they were...

(, Wed 9 Nov 2005, 13:43)
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bring back memories
ah the memories of secondary education in Cumbria - a chemistry teacher who was a local Liberal MP candidate but taught us the joys of making mustard gas in an experiment that went awry when the air extraction system vented the gas out of the top of the school block on a completely calm sunny day - said gas sank over the building and everyone had to close their windows to avoid going to hospital. He also loved to blow up plastic containers with a mix of potassium and water...

a head teacher who whilst teaching history heard a siren go off outside which triggered flashbacks of her wartime memories for an hour...

a maths teacher for one year who couldn't control anything or anyone, shouted wildly; he got punched out by a quiet lad who had nothing to lose (as the lads mum had married and american and he was leaving the country soon), got regulary locked in the supply cupboard in the class, and ran off to the head teacher at every other opportunity. I heard that each summer he'd spend voluntary time in the local psychiatric hospital and his crapness as a teacher being put down to an allergy to chalk dust.

Thank god I got to go to university where the tutors only problem was alcoholism
(, Wed 9 Nov 2005, 20:16, Reply)

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