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This is a question Your Weirdest Teacher

The strangest teacher at my school used to practice his lessons at night. We'd watch through the classroom windows as he did his entire lesson, complete with questions to the class and telling off misbehaving students.

Were your teachers as strange? Of course they were...

(, Wed 9 Nov 2005, 13:43)
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Names hidden to avoid incriminating anybody
While I was at Magd#l*n Coll?ge Scho@l in Br£ckley, Northa@ptonshire we had some special cases:
Mr St0kes - had a nervous breakdown, recovered then had another, (repeat x2) all of these were in the lesson after ours although he always claimed we were his best class, he also had an obsesion with Co-op toffee assortments.
Mr (Scarface) Sm1th - A bit of a tosser but a legend after we discovered the huge scar on his chin was from a bottling administered by his best mate after some alledged girlfriend fondling.
Mrs M4rsh - had a phobia of students, on class washed all the ink out of her register and then after she re-wrote all of it tthey glued it shut. They used to stick glue sticks to the ceiling above her desk so they would fall of during the lesson and pretend not to notice. She sent the entire class outside to stand in the corridor while she continued to teach an empty room. Our class used to swap seats every time she turned round. She had a nervous breakdown.
Mr. Umpl3by - Had a phobia of cupboards as a result of being locking in a dark room for several hours by a student and an obsession with spiderplants.
Mr. Crawly - blind as a blind thing to the activities going on around him (including some sizable lab fires) used to insist that you wore saftey glasses to use taps.
Mr mangled (I don't know his name) lost a hand in a car crash and developed a morbid interest in disfiguring injuries, very odd.
Mr T4ylor - everyone suspected he was a nonce after the 'suitable underpants for growing lads' talk to our PE class.

There are more but I feel I'm hogging space (and likely to get sued)
(, Wed 9 Nov 2005, 20:35, Reply)

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