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This is a question Weird Traditions

Talking with a friend yesterday about school dinners, she suddenly said, "We had to march into the dining room behind the School Band... except on Thursdays." Since all of us were now staring, she qualified this with, "...on Thursdays there was no wind section. It was a tradition."

What weird stuff have you been made to do "because it's a tradition."

(, Thu 28 Jul 2005, 11:11)
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Not so much tradition, as OCD!
A 'workmate', I use the term looseley, has a traditional routine, it's as mad as a bag of badgers. It goes as follows:
1. Clock in.
2. Check contents of bin under sink. Remove tin cans and place in correct bin.
3. Check contents of bottom right draw of desk. If more than 3 newspapers, place in bin under sink.
4. Check contents of bin near back door. Remove tin cans and place in correct bin.
5. Rearrange contents of fridge.
6. Moan that something in fridge is out of date.
7. Turn down central heating.
8. Check all lightbulbs are present and correct.
9. Place banana and bag of crisps in pidgeon hole, moan about free newspaper CDs that have been put in pidgeon hole.

That's the abridged version, I left out the repeated checking of car door etc, as noone would believe that anybody can be so anal.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 17:15, Reply)

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