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This is a question Work Experience

We've got a work experience kid in for a couple of weeks and he'll do anything you tell him to... He's was in the server room most of yesterday monitoring the network activity lights - he almost missed his lunch till we took pity on him.

We are bastards.

How bad was your first experience of work?

(, Thu 10 May 2007, 9:45)
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Work experience in a Primary School... just 2 words really ..."Big Mistake". I went there thinking 'cute' little children and what i got was lots of 3ft stuck up, big mouthed, horrible critters. And people wonder why I dont want kids!? Well not if you have to put up with at least 11 years of that..no no 2 weeks was well over enuf for me.
(, Sat 12 May 2007, 15:34, Reply)

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