In a week where it emerges that the new Health Secretary is a fan of the hocus-pocus that is homeopathy, tell us about people who are spectacularly out of their depth in a job. Have you ever found yourself wallowing in your own incompetence? Tell us. (Note: "Name of football manager/politician - nuff said" does not constitute an answer)
( , Thu 6 Sep 2012, 12:48)
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One of the places I worked housed 4 young blokes. All aged between 17-20. a range of disabilities from mild CP to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome to Autism and Prader–Willi, mostly nice fellas but they could be a hand-full at times.
In that house I worked for nearly 2 years. As a male carer I was relatively rare and I worked with mostly middle-aged women. Had "first beers" with 3 of the guys in that house, had to show 1 of the guys how to search 'safely' for pr0n as his computer kept getting virused.
Most of the staff I worked with (usually 2 on shift) were reliable, stand-up people. Who took a little time to get to know the guys and how to deal with them.
Then there was Anne (names have NOT been changed to protect the guilty - Anne if you are somehow reading this you are a menace to your fellow workmates).
Anne was a loud, brash woman who seemed to think that she could deal with any situation by shouting and getting excited. Suffice to say that usually didn't work out very well.
A couple of instances - Bert (the autistic 1) got over-excited and stormed out the front door (he had done a runner in the past). Anne proceeded to chase him up the street screaming at him that "if he didn't come home right now he wouldn't be welcome and we would get the police to come looking for him." Bear in mind that this was his home and the house was situated in a residential street.
I found Bert (not his real name obviously) down at the local park. I talked to him quietly and calmly and we headed home. I got him settled and ready for bed (despite Anne again threatening him with all sorts of consequences). My incident report for that night makes for some interesting reading - sadly I had to leave her at the house with the 3 other blokes when I went looking for Bert - who knows what went on as they were all fairly stressed by Bert's behavior.
Another time Rick (the young man with Prader-Willi) decided to go off 'cause his parents chose not to take him out the coming weekend because of his bad behavior the previous weekend.
Anne chose to tell him this mid-week. When he reacted badly she refused him his dinner (never an acceptable punishment. Ever).
He duly chucked a huge tanty (Rick was 6" and about 100kgs.) People with Prader-Willi also suffer from Pica frequently and food is a major issue.
Rick then proceeded to run rampant around the house, throwing things and hitting anyone in reach.
I managed to get all of the other guys into their rooms as safely & calmly as possible while Anne stood out of the way and shouted at Rick.
Eventually Rick ripped the linen cupboard door off it's hinges and threw it at me.
Anne then proceeded to lock herself in the staff/sleep-over room.
Whilst Rick chucked heavy objects at me.
I eventually calmed him down, reminded him of his "social contract" (an agreement whereby if he behaved well he got rewards) and got him to settle in his room. The coordinator turned up about 1/2 an hour later as Anne had rung her and still hadn't come out of the locked staff room.
I answered the door with a cheesy "What are you doing here?", as all was quiet and the guys were all in bed.
I never worked with Anne again.
EDIT: I should point out that over 8 years working as a carer I found the "Softly, softly & take all the time in the world" approach worked really well with most dramas that didn't involve immediate danger to myself, other staff or my clients.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 8:35, 33 replies)

I'm not sure I could handle someone like your Anne woman, I really don't know how you did.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 8:48, closed)

I was the "house" staff and we had a lot of casual/agency staff.
Anne was permanent but had apparently been asked not to return to some other houses.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 8:51, closed)

To anywhere. Within ten miles of anywhere resembling a care home.
Jesus Henry Christ, I worry about the HR departments of these companies sometimes.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 9:41, closed)

there isn't a barge-pole long enough.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 9:55, closed)

Is that why you got demoted to cleaning shit?
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 9:40, closed)

Jesus you really are a "not-very-clever dog with a bone" kinda troll aren't you?
Btw I work for a very different organisation - aged care vs. people with a disability.
In a completely different capacity - handyman vs. carer.
Get your carer to try to explain the difference.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 9:53, closed)

Thanks for the update on your amazing career of menial, dead-end jobs. I'll deeply treasure your contribution to society.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 10:17, closed)

Just because I haven't included here what went on after the events you seem to have drawn a conclusion.
Wrong again.
& then commented on it. Because you are really clever with that.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 10:39, closed)

you're feeding the, um, whatever that stupid little cretin is.
We get it. No need to explain.
Rory chooses not to. It makes him feel powerful. He's only little, see?
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 10:42, closed)

It's just that his severe learning and emotional disabilities tend to mean that when he can't understand something he gets angry and frustrated and rails against what he imagines is the case, but which only exists in his tiny, stunted mind. It's like when he throws his dinner over his mom because the yellow food was touching the brown food.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 13:12, closed)

Not that she was dismissed for abuse of children or adults. That sounds like a reward if anything. 'Sorry' to 'poke' 'big holes' in your 'story'
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 11:04, closed)

is denying somebody more worth-while of some valuable oxygen.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 18:15, closed)

( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 19:10, closed)

Reading between the lines, I think Rory's very upset that he didn't get to live in that home - sounds like he'd have fit right in.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 19:59, closed)

Such a shame. With the correct support structure, he could really blossom into a... bit less of a bellend. Or something.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 20:20, closed)

& the the way the usual "sea-gull" type trolls show the fact that they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
Yet again.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 10:13, closed)

Is 'Prader-Willi' the male equivalent?
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 11:18, closed)

( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 11:42, closed)

Bedtime in my part of the world.
& yes Monty - it was good!
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 18:10, closed)

I can't believe more people haven't congratulated you.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 15:57, closed)

I worked in a carehome for the young disabled as a kitchen porter and I saw similar things. Some staff were excellent at knowing how to react (or not react) in certain situations. Others were not so good and I saw some terrible things happen.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 11:22, closed)

My youngest son is severely autistic, very physical, non-verbal. He attends a Special School.
Sometimes I wonder how the fuck some of the teacher's aides passed the job interview. Loud, screechy, physical. They never stop and take a few minutes to work out his stress triggers (mostly their own behaviour).
Unfortunately he can scratch and bite with great force, when he wants out of a situation. They'll learn in time, with a few scars.
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 14:48, closed)

Number of times I've diffused situations by signing "r u ok?".
( , Wed 12 Sep 2012, 19:07, closed)

He knows "more", "stop", "wait" and "open"...the last one very useful when he wants a biscuit out of the biccy tin. He's only 6, so more learning will come with time.
( , Thu 13 Sep 2012, 0:34, closed)
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