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This is a question "You're doing it wrong"

Chthonic confesses: "Only last year did I discover why the lids of things in tubes have a recessed pointy bit built into them." Tell us about the facepalm moment when you realised you were doing something wrong.

(, Thu 15 Jul 2010, 13:23)
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He was a brilliant bloke.
I used to work with people with cerebral palsy back when they were labelled 'mentally subnormal' and packed off to institutions. It's a motor condition, y'see, nothing wrong with their thinking processes. I bet we have people with CP posting on here.

I still work with people with severe CP now and then, usually in their 40s or older. For various reasons it's a lot less common these days.
(Though very premature babies are prone to it so as we save more of them, the numbers are rising slightly.)

(, Thu 22 Jul 2010, 10:43, Reply)

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