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Ok then.
???? *what the fuck?*
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:43, archived)
Well ... there are two alternatives:
a) you are not pregnant and making up silly stories to make yourself more interesting
b) you are pregnant and a tragic fool who hasn't spoken to any health professionals or friends and family about your pregnancy

I thought (a) was a slightly kinder assumption.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:46, archived)
Health professionals, yes
Family, no, seeing as I haven't seen them in fuck knows how long
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:48, archived)
Now I think you're just lying.
You were barking on about moving out of your parental house on here only a few weeks ago, and one of the first things a health professional would have told you was not to get pissed.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:50, archived)
Excuse me?
I lived in Portsmouth before Middlesbrough and before that, yes, my parents house. Before that (and I'm talking a year or two back now) I was living with my ex. So what you on about with a few weeks ago?!

And the health professionals told me I could drink a minor amount. Something like 4 units a week max
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:52, archived)
I'm still betting on (a)
but if it's (b) then you are (as everybody else has pointed out) a daft fuck and need to actually listen to what the health professionals are telling you.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:55, archived)
Not all in one go
you idiot. And you'd need to drink at least four units in one go to get drunk - I suspect your priorities are way out of line. If you can't go without a drink for 9 months then I suspect the sacrifices attendant on motherhood may be too much for you.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:57, archived)
I don't know any health professional
that would recommend four units a week. two maybe. and usually only red wine, for slightly elevated blood pressure.

for reasons I'm not going into on here this silly bint's attitude is making me very angry and not a little upset. grr.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 12:01, archived)
It's mostly for effect
Come and prance about moaning about tattoos instead :)

(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 12:04, archived)
I think that was someone else actually
(the parental house one)
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 11:55, archived)
But she's changed her username recently and I'm pretty sure she was talking about moving flat.

I really should revise my b3ta/talk life histories more carefully.
(, Mon 19 Jun 2006, 12:01, archived)