well fuck off then, and dont make light of autism
if you had the a sort that had you in a state where you wouldnt know about it, then you wouldnt be capable of posting on here. If you had a sort that meant that you would be capable of posting on here, you would know every-single-little-detail about it, such is the nature of autism.
now really, fuck off and dont do that again
Ralph farts in your general direction, Sun 16 Jul 2006, 23:43,
Well, thanks,
but I'm not actually diagnosed with it, but I've grown up with the fact that I'm slightly autistic. It's just a bit obvious sometimes, but never to the degree I'd bring it up at the doctors e.t.c
Quatermass and teh Shit, Sun 16 Jul 2006, 23:48,
no really
fuck you.
shut up.
it's not big
or clever.
Ralph farts in your general direction, Sun 16 Jul 2006, 23:51,