( , Wed 7 Mar 2007, 21:32, archived)

and not at him. That would be mean.
God I actually almost believed that as I typed it.
*falls off sofa laughing again*
( , Wed 7 Mar 2007, 21:35, archived)

at Ella. She was in a strop & marching down the hall towards the lounge door, I was sitting on the sofa watching.
As she reached the door she tripped over & just fell flat & disappeared behind the side of the sofa. It was a classic comedy fall.
( , Wed 7 Mar 2007, 21:38, archived)

the best one was when he was sent to the naughty corner...he stormed off into the living room and slammed the door behind him. We heard a thud and an 'OWWWWWWW!'
The vibrations of the door slamming had dislodged the cover off the electric meter box, and with perfect timing it fell and bopped him on the head just as he sat down.
I wee'd myself laughing.
( , Wed 7 Mar 2007, 21:43, archived)