Somebody let me on to Oink, I don't remember who.
Seems pretty good. It's been going up/down recently hasn't it?
TonyUNDERSCORE from the Internet, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 2:46,
it was down with dns problems
its now rather than
connor, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 2:51,
Pretty good at the moment
I fucked up my last account, but got a new one recently...loads of good stuff up there, and the mods seem on top of it.
wotofco pissing in your swimming pool, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 2:51,
I have pins and needles in my foot :(
One last cig and then going to bed I think. I'm supposed to be going to Wales in the morning.
TonyUNDERSCORE from the Internet, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 3:01,