Ah cool. I hope it's like a Carry On film and many men in drag chase you and your bra pings off and hits the Matron in the face
*comedy swany whistles*
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Mon 29 Jun 2009, 18:06,
now, I must pick my persona...should I be lovely kind ward sister, or horrible mean nasty ward sister?
BloodthirstyTurtle can no longer smell the blood of any englishmen, Mon 29 Jun 2009, 18:08,
I don't know what the bonuses for being a horrible sister would be...
I think you should wear a Nun outfit too so you can be Sister Sister and also only watch the late 90s Nickelodeon TV show 'Sister Sister'
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Mon 29 Jun 2009, 18:14,
was that the one with the crazy black chicks?
Oh no she di'n't
BloodthirstyTurtle can no longer smell the blood of any englishmen, Mon 29 Jun 2009, 18:18,
I talk like their mum and look like their dad. sorta.
Donkey Gums @mattcomedy, Mon 29 Jun 2009, 18:19,
BloodthirstyTurtle can no longer smell the blood of any englishmen, Mon 29 Jun 2009, 18:20,