I'm fairly sure you were correct
and anyone what disagrees is a massive fucking spastic, JA. That's how it goes down around here. *fives*
wotofco pissing in your swimming pool, Wed 10 Mar 2010, 23:52,
Neptune A dole queue dosser and foul mouthed chav., Wed 10 Mar 2010, 23:53,
I've no real opinions towards the radio, babes. I just wanted to see Druid get upset.
I seemed to have roped in a few other mongs as well with that tactic though.
JessAction Give me all your expensive brandy and hubcaps., Wed 10 Mar 2010, 23:56,
But cotwoof just called me a spastic just because I called you a cunt.
It's not fair.
Neptune A dole queue dosser and foul mouthed chav., Wed 10 Mar 2010, 23:57,
You weren't in the original thread, it doesn't count.
JessAction Give me all your expensive brandy and hubcaps., Wed 10 Mar 2010, 23:59,